A Proper Understanding of Ustaz Ahmed Husrev: The Legend of Risale-i Nur


  • Hussain Farook
  • Zaid Abdurrahman Udayar


Faith Facts, Risale-i Nur, Ahmed Husrev, Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi


Ustaz Ahmed Husrev was one of the pillars in the service of Risale-i Nur and was at the forefront of the first generation where he endured hardships and harm in order to spread the luminous truths in his time, which led by ‎temptation and calamities that came from all directions.  He was one of the most prominent writers of the Risale-i Nur codification and publication.  He was loved and respected by Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.  He was concerned and committed to preserving the Risale-i Nur and passing them on to future generations as they are.  Despite of his importance and position in the service of Risale-i Nur, though it was quite difficult to collect the literature in English, this paper highly depends on Turkish sources. This article aims to highlight an introduction to the life of Imam Ahmed Husrev and his position in the service of the blessed Risale-i Nur and to discuss his positions with Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.


Al-Qur’an Al-Karim

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How to Cite

Hussain Farook, & Zaid Abdurrahman Udayar. (2021). A Proper Understanding of Ustaz Ahmed Husrev: The Legend of Risale-i Nur. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 4(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://thejrns.org/index.php/thejrns/article/view/53