The Five Epistles in the Treatment of Spiritual Crisis from the Light of "Treatises for the Sick" of Imam al-Nursi


  • Raudlotul Firdaus Dr



Self-Inquiry, , Stress Management, The Elderly


The Epistles for the Sick is a collection of divinely inspired expressions from the heart of Imam al-Nursi rahimahullah to address the spiritual crises, grief, and sickness. It includes spiritual healing techniques in addition to physical treatment for bodily ailments. It is a psychological explanation of a mentally sick patient, counselling them on how to instil patience and perseverance through al-sabr (patience), vocal praise to Allah (al-shukr), and the creation of a positive conscience. He also introduces a set of moral remedies that the authors give in the five spiritual epistles discussed in this article. One of the goals is to develop a moral treatment for patients in order to heal the pain and diseases that have intensified within the owners' souls, as well as to relieve their apparent and esoteric aches. With the widespread prevalence of illnesses, diseases, and life challenges that lead to anxiety and depression, and the loss of loved ones from time to time, as well as lack of preparation to face old age, in order to enable them to continue this life but rather their submission to God as part of bringing prosperity to this world, such a remedy is in high demand in today's society. The authors believed that representing these remedies in the light of Risalah Nur is very important in re-energizing strength, activities, and eliminating the injured heart as the true remedy and healing comes from the Most Healing (al-Shafi), as enshrined in the Qur'an, "And if I am sick, then He is the healer."


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

روضة الفردوس. (2023). The Five Epistles in the Treatment of Spiritual Crisis from the Light of "Treatises for the Sick" of Imam al-Nursi. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 6(1), 85–96.