The Treatment of Psychological Disorders in the Modern Era, From the Epistle on the Sick in Risale-i Nur By Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
الأمراض النفسية, اللمعات, ، بديع الزمان سعيد النورسيAbstract
This research aims to study the topic of “The Epistle on the Sick” from the Book of The Flashes by Imam Bediüzzaman Said al-Nursi. The statement of the problem lies in how to maintain mental health and treat its disorders, especially in this globalised age, in the light of this message. This research attempts to clarify the trends of psychologists in the importance of religion in achieving mental health, and to know religious psychotherapy and some of its objectives while demonstrating the phenomenon of mental illness in the present era. This research seeks to clarify the treatment of mental illness in the light of the book of twenty-fifth flash based on the inductive and analytical approaches. The research reached conclusions that the most important of religious psychotherapy in the messages to the patients, focused on three main points: First: Offering shukr in the midst of patience, second: disease is God's gift to you and God's grace is upon you, and thirdly, leave worries and internalise Allah's mercy upon you.
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الشبكات العنكبوتية:
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