The Features of Educational Renewal in the View of Imam Nursi


  • Mohammed Zaoui


Renewal, Educational, Imam Nursi


This paper tries to shed light on the features of educational renewal as explaining by Imam Nursi. The paper explained that these features based on trying to reform and to deepen faith in the hearts. The paper, also, exposed that those features of Imam Nursi emphasizes the importance of implementing sharia laws in order to reform all aspects of life.
The article concentrates on explaining the concept of education, the concept of renewal, eventually it tries to link between the two concepts. This article tries to assert that Imam Nursi emphasizes the important role of Muslim community towards this issue.
Imam Nursi’s opinion in this regard is to assert the responsibility of Muslim community of the education renewal, because he (Nursi) believes that this time is the time of collective work. Imam Nursi is of the opinion that Muslim community should carry on this task as a part of into responsibility as a vicegerent on earth.
The writer of this article tries to excrete the great role of the human being on earth according to the views if Imam Nursi from his Risale-i Nur.


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31.07.2019 — Updated on 31.01.2022


How to Cite

Mohammed Zaoui. (2022). The Features of Educational Renewal in the View of Imam Nursi. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 2(2), 87–101. Retrieved from (Original work published July 31, 2019)