The Importance of the Critically Verified Faith in Our Modern Islamic World According to the Risale-i Nur


  • Mohammed Mufeer Mohammed


Islamic Faith, Islamic World, Imam Nursi


The Islamic world has suffered many problems at various levels: intellectual, moral and psychological as well as economic and political. As the era of the late twentieth century witnessed the intensification of the state of the Islamic Ummah, it was unable to cope with successive vicious attacks by the enemies of Islam in all aspects. Although Imam Nursi's vision is worthy of reflection and consideration, Imam Badi'uz-Zaman Nursi believes that the main reason for this bad situation is radically represented in the case of the severe weakness of faith which is seen on a large number of Muslims who have continued to follow what he called the imitative faith that they passed on generation after generation.
The imam emphasizes throughout his messages that the requirement to elevate the level of the Islamic Ummah in all respects and the only way out of this bad situation is to strengthen the faith and to transfer the nation from the state of imitative faith to the investigative faith. In order to strengthen the aith, the imam dedicated his life in exile and prisons with extraordinary hardships. Despite all those hardships he continued to write and publish the epistles of light (Risale-i Nur).



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سالة الثمرة، دار السنابل الذهبية، الطبعة األولى 1429ه - 2009م، . اإلمام بديع الزمان النورسي،




How to Cite

Mohammed Mufeer Mohammed. (2019). The Importance of the Critically Verified Faith in Our Modern Islamic World According to the Risale-i Nur. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 2(2), 44–50. Retrieved from