The Ideal Personal of Preacher According to Imam Badiüzzaman Sa'id An-Nursi


  • Zülkifl Hady Imaven


Badiuzzaman, Said Nursi, The Ideal Person of Preacher, Rasail al-Nur


This paper aimed to discuss about the ideal person of preacher (da’i) according to Imam Badiuzzaman Sa'id an-Nursi. He was one of the great scholars from Turkey and he played a major role in the spread of Islamic preaching and gave birth to many da’i who were able to carry out the mandate of da'wah by consistently following the instructions (manhaj) of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his companions and their heirs from the Rabbani clerics, also able to face da'wah challenges in every time and in every different place. Therefore, this research will look for the ideal person of preacher capable of carrying the Islamic preaching in our contemporary era according to Imam Badiuzzaman Said an-Nursi on his book of Risale-i Nur.

This study used a literature study on the book of Rasail Nur and other books related to Imam Badiuzzaman Said an-Nursi accompanied by tahqiq about the verses of the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet. And the results of this study revealed that the ideal person of preacher according to Imam Badiuzzaman Sa'id an-Nursi is a person who has strong faith, extensive scientific insight, and can be a good example. The ideal person of preacher like this will be able to carry out the mandate of Islamic preaching (da’wah) and can face the challenges of da'wah by consistently following the instructions (manhaj) of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his companions in order to elevate the religion of Allah in the contemporary era.


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How to Cite

Zülkifl Hady Imaven. (2019). The Ideal Personal of Preacher According to Imam Badiüzzaman Sa’id An-Nursi. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 2(2), 34–43. Retrieved from