Measures and Balances in the Universe through the Perspective of the Qur'an and Science in Risale-i Nur


  • Idris Tüzün


Science, The Qur'an, Measure, Balance


In some verses of the Qur'an, it is mentioned that Allah creates every creature and incident in measure. Science proves these verses of the Qur'an by showing that from atoms to stars everything and every incident happen in certain measures. This article explains this topic through explaining and studying measures in the creation of the universe such as Big Bang, measures between stars, measure in rain, measures in animals and plants, measures in human societies and measure in human body.
The writer adopted, in this article, the analytic and descriptive methods. The most important result in this study is the assertion on the determined balances and measures in the universe in general.


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31.07.2019 — Updated on 31.01.2022


How to Cite

Tüzün, I. (2022). Measures and Balances in the Universe through the Perspective of the Qur’an and Science in Risale-i Nur. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 2(2), 18–33. Retrieved from (Original work published July 31, 2019)