The Phenomenon of Abandoning Prayer Among Muslims In This Era And Its Treatment in The Light of Risale –i Nur: Al - Kalimaat


  • Raudlotul Firdaus binti Fatah Yasin Dr


Abandoning prayer, Treatment, Risale-i Nur, Kitab al - Kalimaat


The method used by Badi al-Zaman Said Nursi in "Risale I-Nur," which addresses the subject of Muslims quitting prayer in this day and age, is examined in this study. This phenomenon is widespread in Muslim civilizations globally. Since prayer is the second most important pillar of Islam for a believer, the current study will focus on the solution and treatment for the situation of prayerlessness among modern Muslims. Given the complexity and formal nature of Risale I-Nur's texts, the study starts by analyzing the phenomena of Muslims, particularly in Malaysia, neglecting their prayers. This is followed by textual analyses of the text using both deductive and inductive methods. Through the use of a qualitative study, it addresses the issue of prayerlessness in the "Risale al-Nur" from the "Kitab al-Kalimaat," providing a comprehensive understanding of the philosophy behind the prayers as well as the urgency of humanity performing them on a daily basis in order to achieve both spiritual and mental contentment in both lives, rather than viewing them as a burden or routine for some. The study comes to the conclusion that praying will be done voluntarily rather than being forced or giving up entirely out of laziness or reluctance if one is fully aware of how important and useful it is in their life. 


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من الجريدة الوطنية

جريدة " Utusan Malaysia " كتبها Haradian Shah Hamdan في 6 فبراير 2019، ساعة 3 و9 دقائق مساء، شوهد في التاريخ 2 ديسمبر 2023.

جريدة " Utusan Malaysia "، في 23 يونيو 2008، شوهد في التاريخ 2 ديسمبر 2023.



How to Cite

Fatah Yasin ر. ا. . (2024). The Phenomenon of Abandoning Prayer Among Muslims In This Era And Its Treatment in The Light of Risale –i Nur: Al - Kalimaat. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 7(2), 64–74. Retrieved from